January 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


BOMBSHELLS: FOR THE TROOPS | 2014 | Active Duty Special Edition StampOld 81 BOMBSHELLS: FOR THE TROOPS | 2014 | Active Duty Special Edition StampOld 81 BOMBSHELLS: FOR THE TROOPS | 2014 | Active Duty Special Edition Stamp

*this project is not for profit

I'm looking for six (6) models, men and women who want to be models, wives of Military who want to send the Troops some Traditional American Culture (in a tasteful way!).

I've had a small idea change.  I want and need 4 females and 2 males.  The themes for both are up for discussion, vintage 1940's-ish if we can.  The males may be a bit harder to do something classy vintage with.  BUT, why can't a male be a BOMBSHELLL???  There are female soldiers who are fighting just as hard and I bet would love to get their hands on some of these male Bombshell photos.  Let me know if you are interested.

I did have a small project from last year which had 3 beautiful ladies who participated.  It was very successful in completing the objective.  The objective was (and still is) to uplift Active Duty Military personnel's spirits by showing them some Traditional Iconic American Culture while they are overseas (or otherwise stationed away from home).

I am looking for all shapes and all sizes.  I want you to feel comfortable.  You choose your outfits and I can help if you want.  What models usually do is to bring several outfits that she would like to wear, then I go over with them which ones would look best for the particular shoot and look that I are looking for.  I want the outfits for this project to be flirty, sexy, and tasteful.  Just like most of the pinups from the 1940's.  A more modern twist can be done for one or two of the models in this project.  I am remaining flexible. 

The compensation for the women will be to have a copy of their favorite print and to have fun during the shoot.  Also, knowing that they were a very special part of this campaign.  There will be recognition and at least 15 minutes of fame as there was last year with the models.  This is a great way to support those members of our armed services.  Plus, you will have some good memories and great photos to share with your friends and family.  All of my photos in this project are not that risque.  I just want to create and bring home that vintage style as in the history of this iconic and traditional pinup culture that many of us have fell in love with.

Contact me here http://photos.old81studios.com/contact.html

I am also looking for other help than just models.  *this project is not for profit

Read on to help:

  • If you would just like to make a donation to this project
  • Actually, probably the best thing that you could do for this project is to help promote.  Facebook wants money to promote to everyone... but instead of that... if you have a few minutes to help promote... copy or share links... facebook... twitter... or any other Military Support Website would do and be so great.  I want to get the word out.  Many people want to help or would like to help but aren't sure how... this would only take a few minutes of your time.  See the links below for promo links.  THANKS IN ADVANCE!
  • Clothing donations or use
  • Nails

  • MUA - Make Up Artist (I have one already so I won't need one unless they are not available)
  • Venues or locations to shoot at (I really need a venue for shooting.  It will be an all day event.  My studio is way too small for this.)
  • Props
  • Other donations including monetary donations (so we can send more photos and pay for more shipping)!
  • Time Donations (Help stamp, process for shipping, packaging, bring food for the shoot, drinks, help setup, etc)
  • Old cars, old planes, old motorcycles
  • Catering.  I may have this lined out but if you would like to help with food - to feed our guests and models and helpers and me... lol  then let me know.  We all have to eat too!

  • Anything else you can think of... Ideas!  (Post your ideas to the blog comments below)

PROMOTION leading up to Shipping would be VERY helpful (I will start a blog soon but everyone can start with the links below)


*this project is not for profit - ALL donations or money will be used in creating the artwork, printing the photos, securing the venues, and help with providing food and water or whatever else we may need during the shoots.  Any money leftover will go towards the project for next year.


Contact me today so we can start planning for this year!

JC Kirk



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